Aladdin Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Aladdin.

Quote #4

PRINCE: Out of my way, you filthy brat!

ALADDIN: Hey, if I were as rich as you, I could afford some manners

PRINCE: Oh, I'll teach you some manners!

ALADDIN: Look at that, Abu. It's not every day you see a horse with two rear ends!

PRINCE: You are a worthless street rat. You were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat, and only your fleas will mourn you.

ALADDIN: I'm not worthless. And I don't have fleas. Come on, Abu. Let's go home.

This rude rich guy kind of gets the last word here. Even though Aladdin is faster and cleverer than he is, the guy knows that he's richer and more powerful. What will Aladdin ever amount to? Nothing. That's what this dude thinks, anyway.

Quote #5

ALADDIN: Riffraff, street rat. I don't buy that. If only they'd look closer. Would they see a poor boy? No siree. They'd find out, there's so much more to me. Someday, Abu, things are gonna change. We'll be rich, live in a palace, and never have any problems at all.

Time to break out the tissues. Aladdin is so much more than his social class. If only people would take the time to see the real him, they'd know how awesome and resourceful he is. Someday they'll all see the truth. Someday…

Quote #6

JASMINE: Oh, you must be hungry. Here you go.

PROPRIETOR: You'd better be able to pay for that.


PROPRIETOR: No one steals from my cart!

JASMINE: Oh, I'm sorry sir. I don't have any money.


JASMINE: Please, if you let me go to the palace, I can get some from the Sultan.

PROPRIETOR: Do you know what the penalty is for stealing?

JASMINE: No, no please!

Okay, we can't fault Jasmine too much here. She's lived in a palace her entire sheltered life, so how was she supposed to know that money is exchanged for goods and services? Her high-class lifestyle almost loses her a hand when she hits the streets. Luckily, Aladdin comes to the rescue.