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Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Chapter 9 Summary

April: The Snogging Report

  • Georgia beats an upperclassman at tennis. As she practices at home, Angus takes the ball and guards it because he hates happiness.
  • Jas and Georgia talk about Lindsay over the phone. Jas says Lindsay is smart and points out Georgia's problems with particular school subjects because she is such a good and tactful friend.
  • Georgia comes up with a plan to stalk Lindsay to figure out if Robbie actually likes her. She bribes Jas to get her to come along by saying that Jas can have Tom over to Georgia's house when her mom goes away. Ooh la la…
  • Georgia and Jas linger at school to stalk Lindsay, following her home before taking a snack break. They move to the back of the house so they can see through Lindsay's bedroom window. Lindsay listens to a Genesis tape and Jas mimes being sick.
  • Then Lindsay goes into the bathroom and comes back out in just a bra and thong. Georgia doesn't understand thongs—she thinks they just give you a constant wedgie. She notices that Lindsay doesn't have pubic hair, and wonders what she's done with it. Lindsay takes off her "engagement" ring and kisses it, and then stuffs her bra with pink rubber things that give her cleavage.
  • After they see Lindsay leave her home, Georgia starts feeling like they're doing something wrong. Gee, ya think?
  • Georgia and Jas see Lindsay meet up with Robbie.
  • Lindsay and Robbie kiss, and Georgia and Jas analyze the kiss all the way home. Since it wasn't full-frontal snogging, Robbie probably doesn't like Lindsay too much.
  • At home, Georgia sets goals for herself, like getting rid of Lindsay, showing Robbie she's his dream woman, and getting her nose surgically fixed.
  • Georgia's dad calls home, so she catches him up on Angus's shenanigans and Libby. When he tells Georgia he misses her, she says "I wish parents wouldn't do that, you know, make you feel like crying and hitting them at the same time" (9.906).