Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging Resources


The Official Georgia Nicolson Website

This is the official website for everything Georgia Nicolson, though it includes links to Louise Rennison's other books, too. We have a suspicion Georgia wouldn't approve of such sharing…

The Lovely Louise

Check out Louise Rennison's page on her publisher's website for the scoop on her life and career. And yes, she hangs out with teenagers for research.

From Ace to Zonked

Loving the British lingo in this book? Check out this website featuring Brit slang. Fun fact: The say zed instead of zee for the last letter in the alphabet. To find out why, click on through.

Movie or TV Productions

Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging (2008)

This movie combines the first two books of the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series because movies do things like that. Despite some changes to the plot, though, you should find the story pretty recognizable.

Articles and Interviews

The Scoop on the Author

Rennison lets it all hang out in this interview, including letting slip that she—like Georgia—went to a party dressed as a stuffed olive.

Lost in Translation

Okay, so technically Americans and Brits alike speak English, but apparently folks in the good old U.S. of A. didn't quite fall for Angus the way their British cohorts did. Here's Rennison's take on why.

Behind the Scenes

Want to know where Rennison gets her inspiration from? This is definitely the article for you.


The U.K. Trailer

Grab your chapstick because this preview's heavy on the lip-locking.

Interview Clip

Rennison talks about how close the events of the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson series are to her real life. It's in eleven clips, so if you like the first one, be sure to click through all the rest.


Rennison on Georgia's Turf

On the Confessions of Georgia Nicolson website, there are two audio clips in which Rennison answers some of her readers' most burning questions. Yes, the "Sex God" comes up.


Our Authoress

Curious about what Rennison looks like? Look no further.

Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging Film Poster

This is the film poster for the U.S. adaptation of Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging, with a title modified to make sense to American viewers.