Beetlejuice The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #7

CHARLES: It was like being in an amusement park. Wham!

GRACE: I didn't even know I could do the Calypso.

DELIA: Who has more fun than us?

OTHO: We're dealing with Tracy and Hepburn here. A very sophisticated pair. I mean, they even appear in sheets.

GRACE: But Charles, what I wanna know is why didn't you tell us about this before?

DELIA: Well, we're not sure we want our little secret out. I mean, everyone's gonna want them for their parties.

CHARLES: People will pay big money for this, right, Grace?

BERYL: The Enquirer is offering $50,000 for proof of life after death.

DELIA: Fifty thousand?

OTHO: This is it, Charles. You can get Maxie Dean up here now.

CHARLES: You think so?

OTHO: Sarah loves the supernatural. She'll have him sprint up here in his helicopter if you can produce ghosts for her.

We guess the bottom didn't drop out of the paranormal market after all. Right now Charles and Delia see dollar signs and that's all that matters.

Quote #8

DELIA: This was not a hallucination. This was real. We all just experienced a very super-powerful, paranormal experience, and it was real.

BERNARD: Delia, you are a flake. You have always been a flake. If you insist on frightening people, do it with your sculpture.

Didn't we tell you Delia's sculptures were the scariest thing in the film?

Quote #9

OTHO: Oh, you family types, you got other things to worry about. Maxie Dean's coming up here tonight. You've got to figure out a way to sell these ghosts. I can only do so much.

CHARLES: What are you gonna do, Otho? Viciously rearrange their environment?

OTHO: I know just as much about the supernatural as I do about interior design.

This worries us.