Beetlejuice The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #10

DELIA: What's happening to them?

OTHO: I don't know.

LYDIA: They're dying!

MAXIE: No, they're not. They're already dead. They can't feel a thing.

LYDIA: That's not true! Look at them!

CHARLES: All right, that's enough now. Can you stop this? Otho?

OTHO: It's too late, Charles. I'm sorry.

This moment actually breaks down our characters pretty perfectly as we see their reactions what's happening. Delia and Charles are starting to panic. Maybe this whole thing actually was a bad idea? Lydia is horrified at what's happening to her friends. But Maxie Dean seems to be enjoying their suffering or else doesn't really care (hey, they're already dead, right?). And Otho realizes for the first time that he's totally in over his head.