Beetlejuice The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Beetlejuice.

Quote #4

LYDIA: Are you the guys hiding out in the attic?

ADAM: We're ghosts!

LYDIA: What do you look like under there?

ADAM: Aren't you scared?

LYDIA: I'm not scared of sheets. Are you gross under there? Are you Night of the Living Dead under there? Like all bloody veins and pus?

ADAM: Night of the what?

LYDIA: Living Dead. It's a movie.

BARBARA: You know, if I had seen a ghost at your age I would have been scared out of my wits.

LYDIA: You're not gross. Why are you wearing sheets?

BARBARA: We're practicing.

ADAM: You can see us without the sheets?

LYDIA: Of course I can see you.

ADAM: Well, how is it that you see us and nobody else can?

LYDIA: I read through that Handbook for the Recently Deceased. It says, "Live people ignore the strange and unusual." I myself am strange and unusual.

We guess ghosts are much less frightening when they look like they stepped out of Laura Ashley and Gap catalogs.

Quote #5

BERNARD: Otho, I didn't realize you were into the supernatural.

OTHO: Well, of course! You remember, after my stint with the Living Theatre. I was one of New York City's leading paranormal researchers, until the bottom dropped out in '72.

BERYL: Paranormal? Is that what they're calling your kind these days?

OTHO: Don't mind her. She's still upset, because somebody dropped a house on her sister.

Otho seems to follow whatever trend is hot at the moment whether it's the paranormal or the decorating biz.

Quote #6

LYDIA: I saw some ghosts.

DELIA: It's a little private joke that Lydia and I share.

LYDIA: It's not a joke.

DELIA: Yes, it is. Just today she tried to convince me this house is haunted. Kids! You know, I love them!

GRACE: By ghosts?

DELIA: In designer sheets, no less […].

OTHO: Now, Lydia, favor us about your ghosts.

DELIA: No. I am sick of that subject.

OTHO: Oh, Delia, lighten up.

DELIA: I would rather talk about... Day-O!

Delia doesn't want to scare of her classy guests. She doesn't know yet how much they're going to enjoy this haunted dinner party.