How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
They're gonna need you, Saba, he says. Lugh an Emmi. There'll be others too, many others, who will look to you, an you'll hafta stand alone. (8.1272)
Nothing like a good old "Ghost Dad" dream to bring a hero's quest into full focus, huh? Here, we get the sense that Saba's coming-of-age experience has actually only just begun, and she will need to mature even more if she hopes to live up to the challenges that are in her future.
Quote #8
She was here because of me, I says. I had to be the one. It's right that it was me. (9.397)
A mercy killing is a tough thing to even think about, if you ask us, so we'd say that Saba's decision to take responsibility for Epona is great evidence of her growing maturity.
Quote #9
Then he says, You look different.
I know, I says. My hair.
No, he says. It's more'n that. It' You've changed, Saba. (9.456-458)
Lugh has experienced a lot of hardship over the past year and has surely matured a lot, but Saba has gone on an adventure that defied all expectations. She's been forced to step up to the plate, and Lugh can already tell that she's been hitting home runs.