Bronx Masquerade Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It hurts all the time. Missing Mom, I mean. I was full up with loneliness for her a few weeks ago. It was one of those moments that come from outta nowhere, when you all of a sudden feel something reach inside your chest, grab your heart, and squeeze 'til you can hardly breathe. (26.3)

The loss of Leslie's mom has totally overshadowed her life; it's the reason she's left her old home and friends. The family connections she depended on just aren't there for her anymore.

Quote #5

For a long time, she put off telling me what her mom died from. My mom died of cancer, which was no big secret, but hers died from a drug overdose. Porscha thought that would make a difference, but when I found out, I told her it made no difference at all. Dead is dead, and lonely is lonely, and they both stink. (26.12)

Leslie forms new bonds with Porscha. Since they've both lost their moms, they understand each other—their lack of family is kind of what brings them together as friends. Yay.

Quote #6

It's bad enough my stepfather talks about me like a dog. The few times my mother gets on him about it, he laughs it off and says he's just joking. I should cut his tongue out, see how funny he thinks that is, 'cause there's sure nothing funny about being called ugly. So why does Mom let him do it? Sometimes I think she loves him more than me. Otherwise, she wouldn't let him tear me down like that.

One of these days, he's going to call me ugly, and I'm going to ugly myself on outta there. I don't know where I'll go, but it'll be far away from him. Then Mom won't have to worry about defending me. And I won't have to waste energy being angry because she hardly ever does. She's all right in private, though. She tells me to ignore my stepfather. (29.9-10)

Judianne might act like she's all that at school, but her family life is anything but perfect. Her stepdad tells her she's ugly and her mom just lets it happen. Judianne isn't so much mad at her stepdad (who's a real jerk) as she is at her mom. Isn't family supposed to stick up for you?