Bronx Masquerade Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

All my life, I've seen my mother pray, and all my life, I've seen her prayers answered. There was the time my baby brother was dying of pneumonia and the doctors had given up, but she prayed until the fever broke. There was the time she was laid off from her job, and the refrigerator was empty, and she bowed her head over an empty pot and prayed for God to fill it. That night, a woman upstairs begged her to accept a bag of frozen meats and vegetables, because she was moving the next day, and she hated to see good food go to waste. We had steaks that night, and we never have steaks. There were lots of times like that. "See there," Mom would say. "That's God's hand. If you have God's hand on your life, everything will be all right." So of course I believe. And I believe big. (44.19)

Sterling's mom is an inspiration to him. Even in difficult times, she's never lost faith and that's why he never has either. Do you think Sterling would be a different kind of person if he remembered some of the prayers that weren't answered?

Quote #8

Better yet, ask my father. He thinks I'm so tough, I don't need anybody. Not even him. He didn't always treat me that way. He used to handle me more like china. But then Mom left to start another family—without us. After the divorce, Dad decided we both needed to toughen up, that we needed to learn to stand on our own. I thought he meant together.

Two years ago I got sick at school and he was called in to take me to the hospital. Apparently I had appendicitis. I was doubled over with pain, tears streaming down my face, and he wouldn't even put his arm around me. He just walked beside me, stiff as a two-by-four, asking "Are you okay?" every couple of minutes. Jerk. (50.1-2)

Amy's father has been hurt pretty badly, but instead of helping his daughter through a rough time, he's pushed her away. That's why Amy's so cold and unfeeling to everyone—it's what her parents have taught her. Besides, if she pretends not to feel, then no one can ever hurt her, right?

Quote #9

I've felt that way a couple of times. Once, when the undertaker carried my pops out of here. Another time when my girlfriend left me for my supposed-to-be homey. Both times I remember wishing I couldn't feel the hurt, wishing I could just cut my heart out and be done with it. (52.1)

Tyrone's known his share of tough times. He tells us in the beginning of the story that his dad is one of the few people that actually stuck around to raise him, only to get shot in a drive-by. Awful. His death is an especially painful memory for Tyrone, and it's one of the things that makes him skeptical about the future.