Bullyville Grief Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

By that point, Mom was not in her most reliable get-out-of-bed-bright-and-early-every-morning mode. In fact, we'd both slipped into a kind of dream state. (3.6)

Bart's mom is really depressed. For a time she has a hard time completing normal daily tasks—like, you know, leaving the house.

Quote #5

"To tell you the truth, I was pretty numb," I said. "It was sort of like I'd gotten a big shot of Novocain. So the interviews weren't all that painful." (3.32)

Bart's grief isn't static, or the same, all the time; instead it comes and goes. And sometimes he simply feels numb.

Quote #6

It was almost as if the reality of everything that had happened to me—Dad leaving us and then dying in that terrible way—was finally creeping in around the edges of things and making me feel unbelievably lonely and abandoned. (4.90)

Bart's grief is complicated by the fact that he feels doubly abandoned. The first abandonment occurred when Bart's father left his family for Caroline, before his actual death. It's a grief layer cake (and no thanks, we would not like a slice).