Bullyville Grief Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'd never have the chance to message him back and ask how he was doing and when he was coming home. And to tell him I loved him, too. (8.13)

Bart's grief is also complicated by the intense guilt he feels for ignoring his father's calls and messages. See? His grief is complicated in so many ways. Poor kid.

Quote #8

Right from the start, I felt close to these people. I wanted to tell them that I knew what it was like, what it was like to be really scared and feel lost and have someone you love die. At the same time, I wanted to get as far away from them as possible. (10.8)

When Bart sees people grieving at the hospital, part of him wants to reach out and share his experience. But another part of him feels repulsed. What do you think that's about?

Quote #9

Our shared sorrow and grief was supposed to make us friends, to bring us closer together, to make us more compassionate, just as Dr. Bratwurst was always saying. (14.8)

Bart often contrasts how people expect him to grieve with how he actually grieves. Real-life grief doesn't always express itself in predictable ways. If you've ever grieved yourself, we're thinking you probably know this to be true, too. Grief works in mysterious ways.