Bullyville Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But now I just felt like a big rock stuck in the middle of school while everything flowed around me. (4.90)

At Baileywell, Bart's not just friendless, he feels fundamentally outside of everything—even everyday activities like walking down the hall. That has to be hard, for sure.

Quote #5

I was going to have to find someone to eat with or else face the shame of being that kid in the lunchroom who has to eat all by himself and pretend that he doesn't mind […]. (4.92)

For Bart, feeling isolated isn't just lonely; it's also embarrassing. Does Bart ever try to make friends at his new school, though?

Quote #6

No one saw me, or if they did, they immediately looked away. (4.103)

Bart's looking for someone to sit with in the lunchroom, and he's got nothing. That is, until Tyro Bergen waves him over to sit at his table…