Bullyville Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was strange, having these conversations about school and homework and life in general with the dial tone […]. (5.23)

When Bart starts getting prank calls at home, he pretends to have real conversations so his mom will think he has friends. It's sort of like having the saddest imaginary friends ever.

Quote #8

I went into one of the stalls and burst into heaving, choking sobs. I was crying for myself, and for Dad, and for everything I'd lost, and for how lonely and scared I was, and how I couldn't tell anyone, and how no one could help me. (8.15)

The fact that Bart has no one to talk to makes it that much harder for him to cope with Tyro's bullying.

Quote #9

"But my parents work all day, my brother and sister go to school, so I'm mostly on my own till the evening visiting hours." (10.136)

Bart's friend Nola feels isolated because she lives in the hospital. Even so, it seems like she has more people to talk to than Bart does.