Bullyville Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

It was almost as if the reality of everything that happened to me—Dad leaving us and then dying in that terrible way—was finally creeping in around the edges of things and making me feel unbelievably lonely and abandoned. (4.90)

It takes time for the death of Bart's father to fully sink in. What can we say? Death can be a creeper like that.

Quote #5

I was just about to hang up when I heard a voice—it was Tyro's voice, he didn't even try to disguise it—say, "How much would you like to die, Fart?" (5.29)

As readers, we know it seems pretty unlikely that Tyro would actually kill Bart. But to Bart, the possibility of death seems all too real—especially since his dad just died.

Quote #6

Acky-Acky was the first thing I knew that had ever died. (6.8)

So, to be clear, Acky-Acky was a toy, not a person. Still, Bart took its "death" really hard. This is also a good reminder that Bart has a bit of a flair for the dramatic.