Bullyville Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was suddenly afraid that this Bern was Mom's new boyfriend… and it didn't seem right. Dad had only been dead for two months. (7.13)

Bart feels like it's too soon for his mother to move on… even though his father moved on to Caroline six months before he died.

Quote #8

"It's hot. It's very hot. It's burning hot. I'm burning up. Love, Dad." (8.12)

Tyro doesn't just threaten Bart's life; he makes cruel jokes (like this text) about Bart's father's death. Without laying a finger on him, Tyro bullies Bart worse than ever in this way.

Quote #9

It seemed to me that if she'd died once, she might die again […]. It made me think of the other dead person I knew—namely, my dad. (11.35)

Nola helps Bart deal with the loss of his father. At the same time, though, it's difficult for him to consider the possibility of her death. Seem fair—she is his only friend, after all.