Bullyville Weakness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Last year he was supposed to be this new kid's Big Brother, and he tortured him so bad that the kid had a total nervous breakdown and dropped out of school before the end of the first term." (4.147)

Bart's bully, Tyro, has picked on at least one other kid he perceived as weak. Sounds like it didn't end well. And yet here Tyro is being another kid's Big Brother.

Quote #5

At first I thought I was the only unfortunate victim, but then, from time to time, I'd catch a certain look in someone's eye, and I'd understand that it was happening to that person, too. (5.2)

Like a horse smells fear, Bart can somehow sense his fellow weaklings. Not that it helps…

Quote #6

I didn't want her to think that she'd raised the kind of kid who'd be singled out to be picked on by the other kids. (5.14)

Shame is at least part of the reason that Bart doesn't tell his mom that he's being bullied. He doesn't want her to think he's weak.