Bullyville Weakness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I didn't exactly like the "weaker and smaller part," but there was nothing I could do about it…. (6.32)

Bart feels uncomfortable even hearing someone else say the word "weak," as Dr. Bratton does in his anti-bullying speech. This kid has a pretty strong aversion to weakness, that's for sure.

Quote #8

All at once, I knew what bothered me so much about Bern. He didn't just remind me of the geeks I rode to school with. He reminded me of me. (7.38)

What's interesting is that, though Bart sees himself in Bern, he doesn't feel sympathetic. Instead he feels disgusted. Project much?

Quote #9

The minute I walked into school after Christmas vacation, I could feel the change, like a shift in the weather or a sudden rise in barometric pressure. I was no longer one of the bullied, no longer a victim. (11.1)

Bart reaches a point where he's no longer bullied. What do you think causes this shift—the way Bart feels inside, or the way other people are treating him?