How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"They like normalcy, consistency. You can't barge into their lives and start ripping things up." (2.34)
The Pures are pretty much the opposite of the wretches; they don't want to admit to their guilt, and they don't like change. Partridge might not want to agree with this statement, but unfortunately, it's true.
Quote #5
"Willux saved each and every one of us from death, from mutilation. We don't have to live among those wretches: murderers, rapists, monsters—all of them! We were chosen. Let us be worthy of that choice forever." (4.53)
The common idea that the Pures "were chosen" is the big reason why a divide between the Dome and the Wretches exist. There's no reasoning for why the Pures are "worthy," which creates this discrimination.