How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Is the Dome getting retribution then? Is that what these killings and fires are about?" (38.15)
So the wretches want revenge on the Dome for the Detonations, but the Dome wants revenge on the wretches for corrupting Partridge and Lyda. Can't we all just get along?
Quote #8
For a vengeful second, he thinks, Let them beat me to death. Let them beat their hate into me. (53.34)
This is a pretty wild moment: El Capitan actually wants the angry mob to get their revenge on him. We can view this as a warped version of repentance.
Quote #9
She looks at El Capitan, his face mottled with bruises. "So they finally got their revenge."
"Maybe not all of it," El Capitan says. (58.21)
El Capitan got the snot kicked out of him, but the real revenge would have been if they killed him. It's not exactly an eye for an eye… it's more like a black eye for an eye.