Code Talker Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

In general, we ten code talkers on the ship stayed close, talking Navajo and practicing—always practicing—the new code. (11.15)

The code is the link that ties the Navajo Marines together. Through practicing it, the code talkers stay "close" to one another. And they become close too.

Quote #5

Through Marine boot camp, followed by the serious job of designing and memorizing the code, we men forged a real bond. (11.21)

What's the quickest way to make friends? Go through boot camp and develop a top-secret military code with a bunch of strangers. That'll do it.

Quote #6

I liked knowing Roy was there. Partnering with my roommate from Tuba City was good, when everything else was so foreign. (11.41)

It's sure a good thing to have a friend with us when we're stuck in a foxhole on an obscure island in the middle of the Pacific. Chester and Roy go way back, and here we get a sense of how Chester draws strength from his friendship with Roy.