Code Talker Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

We took the island [of Guam] just three week after our July 21 landing […] The Navajo code, still unbroken, had allowed United States troops to move and attack, secure in the secrecy of their plans. (15.40)

Chester emphasizes here just how crucial the code is in winning the war against the Japanese in the Pacific. How could the Americans have won if the Japanese had managed to figure out what they were up to? It's the code that prevents them from finding out.

Quote #8

Marine Henry Hisey Jr. remembers, "The Navajos were extremely dependable. They were the kind of guys you wanted in your foxhole, so I always tried to choose them when something had to be done." (15.43)

This is a non-Navajo Marine talking about the Navajos. Clearly, the other Marines appreciate the fact that the Navajo Marines are reliable. The Navajos aren't chickens: they step up to the most difficult tasks.

Quote #9

I was a Marine who had fought for my country, a Marine who had contributed in a most unusual way to the war effort. The code I had helped to develop had never been cracked. (17.15)

On his way back to America after the war, Chester reflects on his service. He's pretty confident that he's done his patriotic duty: he's helped defend his country to the best of his abilities. We see here how important the value of patriotism is to Chester.