How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Sunday lunch gave Malcolm and his wife a chance to inspect their children and grandchildren on a weekly basis, and it was a duty they undertook with utter seriousness. (1.6.6)
There's little more sweet and sentimental than the idea of parents "inspecting" their progeny.
Quote #2
"It's just that I've always tried to keep clear boundaries between my personal life and my family life, that's all." (1.8.5)
After what we learn of Nick's family throughout the rest of the book, there's little surprise why he would draw those lines!
Quote #3
His whole family was going to show up looking like peasants. So bloody typical. He wondered if he could convince Colin to change his seating so that he didn't have to be anywhere near his parents and siblings. (2.10.62)
Now Eddie Cheng is least likely to be your favorite character, what with his obsession with material things, but this underscores the extent to which he values appearance over his family.