The notion of family is central to this novel: what should a family look like? How should a family interact? What are the responsibilities of a family?
The characters wrestle with what it means to be a family and in what ways people are beholden to the family. In a world where money and lineage dictate much about a life, family takes on a heightened relevance. But different characters value family differently: Philip Young literally lives on a different continent to get away from his family; an entire branch of the family tree (those imperious Shangs) lives on the other side of the world; and Rachel rejects Nick because of his family.
Questions About Family
- How and why does the role of family differ between the main characters?
- In what ways has family shaped who Rachel, Nick, Astrid, and Eddie are?
- How does family positively and negatively affect the characters?
- Is family or money more important to members of Nick's family? Which family members value one over the other? Why?