How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"But surely you've heard about this girl? The one from New York," Daisy said in a whisper, relishing that she was the one breaking the news to Eleanor. (1.2.36)
While Daisy Foo is one of Eleanor's less snarky friends, she, too, still "relishes" giving information to her "friend" that will throw Eleanor into a frenzy.
Quote #2
"So disgraceful! Sharing a hotel room when they aren't even married! You know, some people might think they eloped and are coming here for their honeymoon!" Nadine Shaw chimed in, though secretly the thought of any potential scandal that might bring those high-and-mighty Youngs down a peg filled her with glee. (1.13.37)
Raise your hand if you're not entirely convinced Nadine actually cares about Eleanor and her other friends. Yeah, us, too. Look, we don't think real friends want to see their friends brought "down a peg."
Quote #3
She was generous to a fault, and Rachel spent most of her college years being showered with gifts, enjoying glorious meals […] and going on weekend spa trips all along the California coast courtesy of Peik Lin's handy American Express black card. (1.16.20)
Peik Lin serves as a foil against all the other Singaporean women who love spending money; she enjoys it for herself, but seemingly even more for her friend Rachel.