Appearances can be deceiving, especially in the world of Crazy Rich Asians where so much is presumed based upon the external. While many of the characters willingly participate in the circus of designer labels and real estate holdings, they all play into the same dynamic: the world is so obsessed with how they look, they must maintain this image, yet no one knows what secrets hide behind the curtain. Astrid, in particular, is one of the most scrutinized characters, with men and women reducing her simply to a paper doll in designer dresses, yet while her personal life crumbles, she continues to present the façade everyone expects.
Questions About Appearances
- Why is Astrid concerned with appearances when she doesn't seem particularly concerned with money?
- How does the obsession with appearances affect Eddie and his family? How have other characters avoided this outcome?
- Consider the Youngs and Shangs who think poorly of the Lees and Khoos for the flashy wedding. Discuss the irony of the quest for upholding appearances while gossiping about others who do the same