How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Being twenty-nine, she was by Chinese standards well into old-maid territory, and even though her busybody relatives were perpetually trying to set her up, she had spent the better part of her twenties focused on getting through grad school, finishing her dissertation, and jump-starting her career in academia. (1.1.30)
Right out the gates, we know that the expectation on Chinese women in this novel is mawwiage. It is, after all, what bwings us together today.
Quote #2
"I've been gone almost a month! I'm afraid my son will forget who I am if I stay one more day," Astrid answered as she was ushered along into the grand foyer […] (1.5.7)
Astrid provides an interesting insight into the role of a mother. She's worried her son will have forgotten her…after a month out of town. After a month, Astrid, what's one extra day?