How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"Well, first of all, you must understand that there are two kinds of Chinese. There are the Chinese from Mainland China, who made their fortunes in the past decade […] but then there are the Overseas Chinese. These are the ones who left China long before the Communists came in, in many cases hundreds of years ago, and spread throughout the rest of Asia, quietly amassing great fortunes over time." (1.5.23)
The helpful context illustrates the stratification of wealth within the social hierarchy in Singapore. Though they all come from the same place, they certainly all don't have the same money.
Quote #2
Despite this embarrassment of riches, Eddie felt extremely deprived compared to most of his friends. He didn't have a house on the Peak. He didn't have his own plane […] And unlike Leo, Eddie's parents were the old-fashioned type—insisting from the moment Eddie graduated that he learn to live off his earnings. (1.10.10)
Dearest Eddie, the spoiled rotten adult of the Cheng family, feels "extremely deprived" in his lavish accommodations. Any time we spend with Eddie reminds us of the power of being grateful and humble. Yeesh.
Quote #3
She had just bought a three hundred and fifty thousand dollar diamond ring she didn't much care for, a twenty-eight thousand dollar bracelet she quite liked, and a seven hundred and eighty-four thousand dollar pair of earrings that made her look like Pocahontas. (1.15.23)
Astrid isn't as materialistic and petty as many others in her social sphere, but, man, can she spend money! We emotionally eat, Astrid emotionally drops millions.