Dancing on the Edge Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

Needing people too much just drove them away. Loving someone did something to their hearts. My need for Granddaddy Opal was too much and it gave him a heart attack. I was killing him. (18.9)

We know that this isn't true, but remember that love isn't exactly something Miracle's had a lot of experience with, and she makes some odd associations in the process of figuring it out. Granddaddy Opal's heart attack has no relation to how much Miracle loves him, but she still blames herself.

Quote #5

"Oh, you don't think anyone else has problems like yours. Well, that's what's so nice about group. You discover you're not alone. There are people out there who have the same feelings you do. You'll get to share your feelings. Maybe what you have to share will help somebody else. Maybe you'll hear things that will help you and those scars will start to melt away." (18.22)

Let this sink in for a minute: The Cedars is the first stable environment Miracle finds herself in—ever. Sure, Granddaddy Opal's house came pretty close, but anywhere Gigi is living isn't a functional place. The fact that there are other people who have similar problems as her is a major revelation.

Quote #6

I took my usual seat and Dr. DeAngelis stood up and said, "No, Miracle. I'd like you to take my seat today and I'll sit in yours." (21.15)

Dr. DeAngelis is one of the first people Miracle encounters at the Cedars who teach her about love. He largely does this by identifying with her situation, and in this case, literally putting his authority aside to place himself in her shoes. Atticus Finch would definitely like this guy.