Dancing on the Edge Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

I needed someone to talk to who would understand and listen, really listen. I needed Dr. DeAngelis and Aunt Casey. I wanted to tell them everything, to share what I was discovering with them, and to let them know I needed them. (29.10)

Miracle essentially goes from believing that love isn't real to seeing it as something she desperately needs. While she doesn't use that specific word here, she seems to be acknowledging that Dr. DeAngelis, Casey, and to an extent Granddaddy Opal can offer her emotional support that Gigi isn't equipped with.

Quote #8

"Oh, and Aunt Casey? Thanks for wanting me to know the truth—for wanting me." (30.37)

While she may think of Aunt Casey as kind of mean and superficial for a long time, getting kidnapped by Gigi ultimately makes Miracle see exactly how much her aunt has grown to love and need her. Aunt Casey may have once seen Miracle as a reminder of guilt from the past, but she now knows that she wants to make a difference in her life.

Quote #9

Dr. DeAngelis once said that we would be talking about love, what it means, how it feels. I told him I didn't believe in love. "You can't touch it or see it," I had said […] "I won't believe what I can't see."

He said, "Then believe what you feel." (30.40-41)

Feelings haven't exactly been a reliable source of information for Miracle—actually, they haven't even been something she can truly believe at all. Dr. DeAngelis demonstrates, though, that emotions can be trusted and believed. Feelings can provide proof of how the people around Miracle really feel about her.