Dandelion Wine True or False

1. Who says, "What have I done, you got to stop and think an hour before you can tell me? All I ask is a simple yes or no! You're not contented, delighted, joyful"? -> Leo Auffmann
2. "Find friends, ditch enemies" is the motto for which brand of sneakers? -> Cream Sponge Para Litefoot Shoes
3. Name this speaker: "My dear, you never will understand time, will you? You're always trying to be the things you were instead of the person you are tonight." -> Aunt Rose
4. Who is Tom describing when he says, "Little and red-faced and kind of fat and not much hair and what there was was sandy"? -> Mr. Black
5. Who says, "Look around come April, and say, 'Who'd like to fix the roof?' And whichever face lights up is the face you want, Douglas"? -> Miss Roberta
