Dark Water Chapter 22 Summary

  • Pearl's mom runs and tells her that one of the workers cut his hand on a machete. Instantly, Pearl knows it must be Amiel.
  • They rush over to where he is, and there's a lot of blood—it's clear he has to go to the hospital. Aunt Agnès volunteers to take him; she speaks English and Spanish, so it will be easier for her to translate.
  • She asks Pearl to come along to help her find the place, and her mom let's her go.
  • At the doc, Amiel almost faints because of the blood. He cut his hand very deeply, and needs stiches.
  • Pearl makes sure not to mention that he was juggling when he did it because she figures that could get Amiel in trouble.
  • The doc instructs him to keep the wound clean and take some meds. Agnès pays for everything, even though Amiel insists that he can pay. She tells him not to worry about it.
  • On the way home, Pearl worries how Amiel will keep the wound clean when he lives out in the woods.
  • He lies to Agnès and tells her that he doesn't live alone so he'll be fine.
  • Agnès promises her husband will drop over his bike the next day.
  • Then Amiel has her drop him off near the woods, which confuses her since she wanted to take him all the way home.