Dark Water Chapter 48 Summary

  • It's dark now but Pearl can't see the stars because of the smoke.
  • She turns on her phone and has a bunch of messages.
  • One is from Greenie asking where she is, and another is from Robby telling her to call his dad.
  • There's a message from her mom, too, telling her that Hoyt has gone to look for her and she needs to tell him where she is pronto.
  • Pearl dials her uncle and tells him she's by the De Luz Bridge. She figures he doesn't pick up because of the sounds of the motorcycle.
  • All around her, there is darkness.
  • She thinks she sees Hoyt ahead of her, but can't be sure. She tries to call out to him, but her voice is raspy from the smoke. (It turns out she's just seeing stuff).
  • All of a sudden, Amiel dives into the water, and pulls her in with him.
  • They are still holding hands as they sink to the bottom of the river.