


Character Role Analysis

Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper

He might have good (though insane) intentions, but when Gen. Ripper tries to start a thermonuclear war all by himself, he earns the title of antagonist. President Muffley and most of the other characters in the movie do their best to stop the General's plot from destroying the world. But unfortunately for the planet and the people on it, Ripper's plan succeeds, even though he commits suicide rather than give up the codes that would recall the bombers.

Major T.J. "King" Kong

We say Maj. Kong is a close runner-up for antagonist. Sure, he's a good guy just doing his duty and all that. In lot of ways, he's a hero, sacrificing his own life for his country, Bruce-Willis-in-Armageddon style. What he doesn't know is that Ripper has misled him, and his sacrifice destroys his country along with the rest of the world. Especially after Ripper dies and Kong's plane is the last one left in the air, Kong becomes the guy who everybody in the world is trying to stop. He's a lovable antagonist.