Eleanor & Park Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She had bobbed blond hair and hard, curled bangs, and she was the only kid in school with a Swatch. Kim was one of those people who never wrinkled […] She wouldn't make eye contact with Cal. (7.13)

Here's a great example of how appearances matter in high school: Park thinks he knows a lot about Kim because of how she looks.

Quote #5

If you don't want people to look at you, Park had thought at the time, don't wear fishing lures in your hair. (7.30)

So Eleanor probably doesn't want people looking at her—but she wears stuff in her hair. Maybe she figures her hair's eye-catching enough already? She's fighting a losing battle? Whatever the reason, we love it.

Quote #6

He looked exactly like a rat. Like the human being version of a rat […] Who knew what her mom saw in him; Eleanor's dad was messed-up looking, too. (10.10)

Eleanor's vision is so tainted by Richie's personality that she can't see him as anything but ugly. In this case, what's outside definitely reflects what's inside.