Eleanor & Park The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

You'd think that nobody interesting could grow up in a house as nice and boring as this one—but Park was the smartest, funniest guy she'd ever met, and this was his home planet. (27.58)

Eleanor sees Park's edgy, outsider style as a total mystery once she sees his home. Goes to show that someone's home isn't always a reflection of their personality… which is also true in Eleanor's case.

Quote #8

Eleanor wanted to feel superior to Park's mom and her Avon-lady house. But instead, she kept thinking about how nice it must be to live in a house like this one. With your own room. And your own parents. And six different kinds of cookies in the cupboard. (27.59)

Eleanor, who has a natural discomfort with anything mainstream, doesn't want to like Park's house, but she can't help envying all the creature comforts that her own home doesn't have. And, you know, having parents like Park's would be kind of nice, too.

Quote #9

Nobody brought friends into their house. Not the little kids. Not even Richie. And her mom didn't have friends anymore. (34.67)

Richie's isolated Eleanor's family so completely that their home has become almost like a jail—except the kids aren't even allowed to play inside. If Richie could get rid of the kids and keep Sabrina in a sealed bubble, we think he would.