Feathers The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"I lived on the other side of the highway already," the Jesus Boy said softly. He kept looking down at his hands, like he was talking to them, like he was talking to himself. "We… my family didn't belong there." (4.47)

All the kids keep telling Jesus Boy to go on back to the other side of the highway, where he belongs. But it's not that simple: Even on the other side of the highway, Jesus Boy felt like he did not fit in. He wants to find a home where he belongs.

Quote #5

"Where's my woman?!" Daddy said, loud. He shook us off of him and did his caveman walk into the living room. "I'm hungry and I'm tired! And why can't this man smell something good cooking?" (8.26)

Everyone has their own sense of what home is, and for Frannie and her family, it means all of them together while something delicious cooks in the kitchen. We won't argue with this concept at all.

Quote #6

The music was so loud, I didn't even hear Grandma come in until she was standing right near me, telling me to turn it down. Sean jumped off the couch and hugged her. I nearly jumped into her arms. (11.3)

Everything that Frannie loves is within arm's length when she's at home—even her grandma shows up unexpectedly and cuddles up with her beloved grandkids. It's just a sweet cuddlefest.