Feathers The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"You all right, my man," he said, giving the Jesus Boy the Power sign. "You think you gonna stay at Price?"

Jesus Boy took another piece of licorice out of his pocket, put half of it in his mouth and chewed slowly. He looked calmly over the school yard. "Don't have no place else to go," he said. "Gotta stay." (15.11-12)

It looks like Jesus Boy and his family is here to stay—whether Trevor and his cronies like it or not. This is their new home, and they're going to make the best of it. They're going to try to fit in and make some roots.

Quote #8

The Jesus Boy raised his hand. "When I was three years old, my mama and daddy brought me home and told me that they'd be my mama and daddy from that point on—"

I heard someone whisper, "So that's it! He's adopted!" but the Jesus Boy didn't hear. Or maybe he ignored them.

"And from then on, that was my mom and that was my dad." (20.15-17)

A home isn't necessarily made up of the people who gave birth to you. Jesus Boy is adopted, but he considers his home wherever his adopted parents are. They're the people who raised him and showed him all the love in the world.

Quote #9

The baby inside Mama's belly grows and grows. This morning, I wake to find her in the rocker by the window, staring out into the sun. She looks beautiful sitting there with all the light around her. (22.1)

Frannie's mama looks most at home when she's sitting in the living room, feeling completely contented to be surrounded by her kids (even the one in her belly). That's the real definition of home to Mama.