The First Part Last Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"All I want now is to go home, curl up on my bed, and sleep for two days."

Fred turns away from me.

"There'll be no sleep for you. There's ten pounds of I need my daddy, a pissed-off mother, and a disappointed neighbor waiting at home. You ready to deal?"

I say, "I guess," and sink farther into the seat. (17.37-40)

After Bobby gets arrested for vandalism, he is exhausted, but he really needs to face the music and live with his choices. At least his dad tells it like it is. Check out Bobby's body language: He says he's ready to take on the consequences, but he doesn't really want to. He's ashamed of his choices. Let's hope he learns something from them.

Quote #5

I get up and wrap my arms around her 'cause we'd made the decision by waiting so long. We didn't want to face it, but now it's all in our face. Nothing to do but get on with it 'cause it's happening no matter how freaked out we get. (20.38)

Even choosing not to act is a choice. Earlier in the pregnancy, there were more options open, but now, Bobby and Nia have only a couple options available to them. And Bobby's right—the baby will come, whether they like it or not.

Quote #6

I figure if I block it all out I won't have to think about it. (22.10)

Bobby doesn't really want to listen to the social worker talk. He's still only sixteen, and sometimes he just wants not to have to be an adult. We can't really blame him; sixteen is pretty young to be a father and take full responsibility for a child.