The First Part Last Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It's the right thing. Everybody says so, and I want to believe the s*** everybody says. I want to believe it's unselfish. I want to believe none of this is supposed to be about me. (22.19)

There's a big difference between wanting to believe and actually believing. The push for adoption could be seen as a commentary on how responsible (or irresponsible) the parents view Bobby and Nia, but we could also interpret the push for adoption as selfish on the part of the parents. Maybe they just don't want to deal with a baby.

Quote #8

Some kids my age are hanging around this arcade I've been wanting to check out, but haven't had the time, and probably won't ever have. They lean against the games and each other. I look at them and feel like I'm missing something. (25.27)

Bobby wants to be carefree, to be a sixteen-year-old kid, but he makes his choices now with Feather's welfare in mind, setting aside his own desires to do what's right. We can't fault him for that.

Quote #9

I look at the adoption papers stacked in front of me, then fold them in half before I tear them. (29.48)

When faced with the choice to go through with the adoption, Bobby, for the first time, listens to his own instincts and makes the choice that feels right to him. It may be more difficult for him in the long run, but the rewards will be exponential.