Flipped Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Mom sat there for the longest time, biting her cheek. Then she said, "People do change, you know. Maybe he's had some revelations lately, too. And frankly, any boy who tries to kiss a girl in front of a room full of other kids does not sound like a coward to me." She stroked my hair and whispered, "Maybe there's more to Bryce Loski than you know." (14.234)

Even though we've been hearing that Bryce is a coward for a lot of this book, he's definitely started acting more courageously lately. In fact, we're with wise Mrs. Baker on this one—his whole kissing stunt earns Bryce some serious courage points in our book. So now we just have to wait and see what Juli thinks. After all, even she has called him a coward before. Do you think she can start seeing him as courageous instead?