Flipped Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I tried to kiss her! In front of this whole room of people, while I was supposed to be having that stupid basket boy lunch with Shelly and Miranda, I tried to kiss her!"

Slowly, a smile spread across his face. "You did?"

"I was, like, possessed. I couldn't stop myself! But she pulled away and…" I looked out the window at the Bakers' house. "And now she won't talk to me!" […]

Maybe my grandfather's happy about all this, but I'm miserable. I can't eat; I can't watch TV; I can't seem to do anything. 

So I went to bed early, but I can't sleep. I've watched her house from my window for hours now. I've stared at the sky; I've counted sheep. But man, I can't stop kicking myself for what an idiot I've been all these years. (13.182-184, 190-191)

Bryce's love has him reeling. Take a look at the way he describes his feelings: he says that he is "possessed" and "miserable." Love doesn't sound super pleasant when he puts it like that, right? Bryce feels out of control control, and he doesn't like it. Now if he can just get Juli to like him again, then maybe all his problems will be solved.