Flipped Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I wound up reading and rereading her parts, wondering when in the world she started thinking like that. I mean, no kidding, Juli Baker's smart, but this was something way beyond straight A's.

A month ago if I'd read this article, I would have chucked it in the trash as complete garbage, but for some reason it made sense to me now. A lot of sense.

A month ago I also wouldn't have paid any attention to the picture of Juli, but now I found myself staring at it. (7.148-150).

Bryce has pulled a huge U-turn on us here—it's only been a month, but he's seeing things in a whole new way. Actually, he's seeing Juli in a whole new way. Plus he's paying attention to her words and to her picture. What do you think brings this big transformation on?

Quote #8

I felt a fire burn in my cheeks and a cold, hard knot tighten in my heart. And in a flash I knew—I was through with Bryce Loski. He could keep his brilliant blue eyes. He could keep his two-faced smile and… and my kiss. That's right! He could keep that, too. I was never, ever going to talk to him again! (10.167)

Juli just overheard Bryce talking to Garrett in the library and making fun of her uncle. She's so angry that she completely changes her mind about Bryce—she may have thought he was the bee's knees up until now, but no more. Check out how quickly she says this change happens since it's "in a flash." Plus it's a super physical change, too—she knows that she's transformed all at once and deep down in her gut.

Quote #9

And there was a battle raging inside me. The old Bryce wanted to go back in time, wanted to hang with Garrett and shoot the breeze, wanted to hate Juli Baker again.

Wanted to be the man.

But in my heart I knew the old Bryce was toast. There was no going back. Not to Garrett or Shelly or Miranda or any of the other people who wouldn't understand. Juli was different, but after all these years that didn't bother me anymore.

I liked it.

I liked her. (13.155-159)

Remember back when Bryce thought Juli was the most annoying girl on the planet? Well looks like things are a wee bit different now. Strike that—they're totally different. Now Bryce likes Juli and he feels like a whole new guy. This isn't an easy change for Bryce. He tells us that part of him wants to go back to his old life. But he also tells us that he's left "old Bryce" in the dust. What do you think of the way Bryce refers to his old self in the past tense? Now that's one huge transformation.