Forgotten Fire Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As time passed, I began to know my fellow prisoners by their moans and whispers, and I began to know death by the absence of those sounds. (6.44)

It's tough to read about the fact that Vahan starts to know everyone through their suffering, instead of by their names or faces. We might not be able to understand what Vahan is going through, but there's no doubt that everyone is hurting—emotionally and physically.

Quote #5

"Why don't they kill us now?" I heard someone say. (7.14)

Vahan later remembers when someone asked this, and wonders why the Turks didn't just pull the trigger. It seems like the purpose isn't just to get rid of the Armenians—it's also to make them suffer. It's super twisted stuff.

Quote #6

It was harder for me to look at her and know that her suffering was not over and that there was nothing I could do to stop it, nothing I could say that would bring back her brown hair or the light and color in her eyes. (8.3)

When his grandma dies, it's hard for Vahan to see him mom because he knows he can't help her. Even in the midst of such horrific acts, Vahan still cares about his family, and the pain of watching them go through these things wears on them all.