Forgotten Fire The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I was not Galib, and this was not my home and these people were not my family. I had known that the instant I heard the shot. And when the prisoner slumped forward, I saw my father and my brothers and myself. I had known then that I was leaving, that I had to leave. (24.43)

Vahan—or should we say Galib—fits right in with the Turkish refugees by pretending to be a deaf mute. But it's not long before Vahan has to be honest with himself and come to terms with the fact that he doesn't belong with them.

Quote #8

Although my surroundings were new, they were not strange to me, and I felt very much at home, as though I were sharing a meal with my grandfather and a favorite cousin. (25.30)

Ara helps Vahan find a place to stay, so it's natural that he would feel comfortable with the guy. We can't help but notice that his connection to Ara is much more than that though—Ara reminds Vahan of his own family and home. Staying with Ara, Vahan finally allows himself to long for a home again, when he's just been focused on surviving up to this point.

Quote #9

"You are looking for a home, for a family. Do you know where your real home is? Your real home is here." He pointed at his heart. "Who you are and what you believe in is your real home, the only home no one can take from you, the only home that will last." (25.46)

Is this true—is home where the heart is, like Ara thinks? And if it is, then where do you think Vahan's home is? It seems like it's still back with his family.