Godzilla Quiz True or False

1. "It's believed that during the following geological period, the Cretaceous period, a rare intermediate organism was evolving from a marine reptile into a terrestrial animal. Following Odo Island tradition, I propose for the time being that we call this creature Godzilla. We encountered Godzilla on Odo Island." Who dropped this bit of backstory on us? -> Professor Yamane
2. "This is absolutely unbelievable, yet it's unfolding before our very eyes! Godzilla's leaving a sea of flames in its wake! Owari-cho, Shinbashi, Tamachi, Shiba, Shibaura—all a sea of flames!" Who saw Godzilla's trail of destruction? -> Martin
3. Who said, "If the Oxygen Destroyer is used even once, the politicians of the world won't stand idly by. They'll inevitably turn it into a weapon. A-bombs against A-bombs, H-bombs against H-bombs. As a scientist—no, as a human being—adding another terrifying weapon to humanity's arsenal is something I can't allow"? -> Doctor Serizawa
4. "But Professor, that's no reason to let such a violent monster run loose. Godzilla is no different from the H-bomb still hanging over Japan's head." Who made this argument to Yamane? -> Ogata
5. Who said, "That's right. A giant, terrifying monster. Once it eats all the fish in the sea, it'll come ashore and eat people. In the old days, if the catch was poor for a long time, we'd sacrifice a young girl, send her drifting out into the middle of the ocean. This dance is all that's left of that exorcism ritual"? -> Old Fisherman at Odo Village
