How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Quote #1
GUSTAVE: Why do you want to be a Lobby Boy?
ZERO: Well, who wouldn't, at the Grand Budapest, sir? It's an institution.
GUSTAVE: Very good.
Normally when we think about reputation, we think about people. However, Zero's remark shows us that the Budapest itself has garnered much respect over the years. It's not merely a hotel. It's its own entity (although Gustave probably has a lot to do with that).
Quote #2
GUSTAVE: What is a Lobby Boy? A Lobby Boy's completely invisible, yet always in sight. A Lobby Boy remembers what people hate. A Lobby Boy anticipates the client's needs before the needs are needed. A Lobby Boy is, above all, discreet to a fault. Our guests know their deepest secrets, some of which are, frankly, rather unseemly, will go with us to our graves.
Maintaining the Budapest's reputation is all about maintaining the reputation of its guests. No one wants their dirty laundry aired… even if that does mean it'd stop smelling so much.
Quote #3
HENCKELS: Your companion was very kind to me when I was a lonely little boy. My men and I apologize for disturbing you.
FRANZ: I beg your pardon, sir.
GUSTAVE: You see? There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity.
Reputation might often be the product of surface level appearance, but there's nothing frilly and frivolous about respect. Henckels' respect of Gustave saves Zero big time, and we learn that all of Gustave's accommodating gusto isn't just for show.