How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Quote #4
GUSTAVE: …when you find yourself in a place like this, you must never be a candy-ass. You've got to prove yourself from day one. You've got to win their respect. You should take a long look at his ugly mug this morning. He's, actually, become a dear friend.
Earning respect isn't always easy. Sometimes it leaves a person bloodied and bruised. Checkpoint 19 is way different from the Budapest, where Gustave's cordiality with guests and strictness with staff earn him respect. Inside the prison, all it takes is dishing out a good beating.
Quote #5
GUSTAVE: Until I walk amongst you again as a free man, the Grand Budapest remains in your hands, as does its impeccable reputation. Keep it spotless and glorify it. Take extra special care of every little-bitty bit of it as if I were watching over you like a hawk with a horse whip in its talons… because I am.
The Grand Budapest may be an "institution" but it didn't become one overnight. Gustave's hard work and dedication to the hotel have earned both it and him a reputation. If only M. Jean was a hawk with a horsewhip, maybe the '85 Budapest would be a little more respectable.
Quote #6
SNITCH: How did you get out there?
LUDWIG: Shut the f*** up.
SNITCH: These guys are trying to escape.
LUDWIG: What's wrong with you, you goddamn snitch?
SNITCH: Guard! Guard!
[Tall man with large scar in his face throttles the snitch, shutting him up.]GUSTAVE: It's you. Thank you. Thank you, you sweet, kind man.
Just by being warm and generous, Gustave made an unlikely ally who will repay him during the escape. Respect, like loyalty, seems to always come back around.