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Courage Quotes in Here Be Monsters! An Adventure Involving Magic, Trolls, and Other Creatures; The Ratbridge Chronicles Volume 1

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He held the knife to the string, and as Snatcher's belly moved, the knife cut slowly into the string. The string separated, and for a moment Snatcher's belly wobbled. Arthur held his breath. (25.48)

So here Arthur is stealing the keys from Snatcher's belt as he snoozes. Is this the act of a coward? We didn't think so. Arthur is acting super bravely here, and it's a selfless kind of bravery, too. Yeah, he's trapped in the Cheese Hall, which stinks, but he's also really concerned about his captured underling friends.

Quote #5

"Does that mean we have to go down....below?" Gristle said with a grimace.

"Don't worry, Gristle. I am sure somebody will hold your hand." Snatcher smirked. Arthur noticed the other members also looked worried. (30.31-32)

Yeah, Gristle does sound a bit like a fraidy-cat in this exchange about having to make another trip to the Underworld. But can we really blame him? After all, the fact that they've trapped a bunch of boxtrolls means that the place is literally beginning to fall apart. And this is just a guess, but Snatcher might not be feeling as courageous as he's acting. He probably has enough sense to know when he's getting into a dangerous situation.

Quote #6

"Titus said that the cabbageheads that Arthur freed are going to go with them, but that he himself would like to stay with us and help find Arthur." Willbury clasped Titus's hand. "You are very brave, Titus." (35.32)

It's been established that cabbageheads are very shy creatures; most humans don't ever see them, that's how reclusive they are. And based on this, we're guessing that they're not the bravest of critters either. But here we see Titus volunteering to be part of the rescue operation to get Arthur out of the Cheese Hall where he's being held captive. Is that brave, or what?