How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Kipper started to pedal and soon a humming started to come from the pump. The levers and wires attached to Tom went taut. (41.20)
Is it a torture device? A cutting-edge weight-loss device? Nope, it's another of Grandfather's inventions. Using pedal-power from Kipper and guiding motions from Tom, the pair is able to animate Arthur's doll and make it move. This is perfect for getting the keys to Arthur's cell. Technology is such a mover and shaker in this book.
Quote #8
Arthur thought for a moment, then asked Marjorie, "How did they make the magnet work when the beam engine wasn't running?"
"Arthur, you really are sharp as a knife." Marjorie smiled. (49.69-70)
More proof that Arthur is destined to become an engineer/inventor-type. With his upbringing by Grandfather, and the fact that he gets along so well with Marjorie, it seems like it's just a matter of time before he ends up with his own lab.
Quote #9
Willbury raised a hand. "No! We have had enough of all this resizing. I am going to get Herbert to destroy the resizer, and I want you to promise you are not going to try to build a new one." (55.83)
Whoa, Willbury is serious about destroying the resizer. And he doesn't seem like the type of dude to delight in random destruction, so he must really believe in what he's saying. Marjorie isn't thrilled, of course, but she's seen its destructive capacity firsthand (she was even shrunk by her own resizing machine). Seems like she's seen technology's dark side and is willing to destroy her own invention for the good of all if that's what it takes.