Hush, Hush Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

'Every woman needs to reinvent her sexy side—I like that. My daughter got implants. She said she did it for herself, but what woman gets boobs for herself? They are a burden. She got the boobs for a man. I hope you do not do stupid things for a boy, Nora.' (7.12)

The voice of feminism comes from an unlikely source, the endearing sixty-ish-year-old housekeeper. It's a comical moment, but the feminism's still in there. Dorothea emphasizes that women should determine their own ideas about sex and sexuality rather than have men dictate the ideas for them.

Quote #5

He trapped my hand against his chest and yanked my sleeve down past my wrist, covering my hand with it. Just as quickly, he did the same thing with the other sleeve. He held my shirt by the cuffs, my hands captured. My mouth opened in protest.

Reeling me closer, he didn't stop until I was directly in front of him. Suddenly he lifted me onto the counter. My face was level with his. He fixed me with a dark, inviting smile. And that's when I realized this moment had been dancing around the edge of my fantasies for several days now. (9.105-106)

Nora, who's previously been reserved about sex, is now caught up in an intensely passionate moment with Patch. She admits it's been on her mind, but she hasn't acted on her feelings for Patch, and now he takes the initiative with words that suggest he's overpowering and dominating her (we're talking about "cuffs," "captured," and "protest"). What do you make of the word choice used here?

Quote #6

I scooted to the edge of the counter, my legs dangling one on either side of him. Something inside or me was telling me to stop—but I swept that voice to the far back of my mind.

He spread his hands on the counter, just outside my hips. Tilting his head to one side, he moved closer. His scent, which was all damp dark earth, overwhelmed me.

I inhaled two sharp breaths. No. This wasn't right. Not this, not with Patch. He was frightening. In a good way, yes. But also in a bad way. A very bad way. (9.109-111)

Nora has conflicting thoughts about Patch and sex. She feels wrong about the intimate moment, and she's afraid of Patch. Why doesn't she listen to the voice telling her to stop?